2023 Year End Gathering

Our three member-speakers, Nick Bryan from the Mike Procter Foundation, Dr Karyn Moshal from Chiva Africa and Penny Costley-White from TSIBA, updated the delegates on their organisations’ work. This is a favourite part of any gathering and reminds everyone of why the Network exists.

New para Peter Burdin shared early information on UK plans to mark 30 years since democracy in South Africa. This exciting initiative, overseen by Lord Peter Hain, will see events throughout the UK (for a change, not just in London) in 2024. Sports events, performances, art exhibitions, and more, will be arranged. There will be great opportunities for Network member organisations.

From left: Peter Burdin, Dr Karyn Moshal, Penny Costley-White, Nick Bryan, Eugenie Harvey, Ben Cohen

Eugenie Harvey updated everyone about the great funding opportunities offered by The Funding Network. Their event the previous week raised almost £70 000 for three charities.

From left: Pumela Salela, Louise Seligman, Kathi Scott

Ben Cohen from Good Innovation gave a riveting master class. He shared fascinating examples of innovation in fundraising. He also shared his thoughts on trends that will affect fundraising in 2024.

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