2021 Year End Gathering

It was wonderful to have the first in-person gathering of members in two years. As usual, the annual event was held at the South African High Commission in London. The Network is most grateful for the ongoing support from the High Commissioner and staff at this beautiful Trafalgar Square landmark.

Judith James from Africa Foundation talked about their work serving local communities and enabling conservation to uplift, up-skill and empower identified rural communities living near core conservation areas in Africa.

Claire McDonald from Africa Tikkun shared information about their work serving young people until they begin their careers. Afrika Tikkun provides access to mentorship, advanced schooling facilities, clean and healthy living environments and career opportunities.

Paul Clare from St David’s Marist Foundation shared wonderful stories of their successful learners (leaders of tomorrow) who have been given life-changing bursaries.

New trustee, fundraising consultant, Kelvin Glen encouraged everyone to ensure that their next generation of fundraisers were being prepared. He reminded the audience that neglecting the all-important matter of succession planning can is likely to be detrimental to the sustainability of the organisation. www.khulumasa.co.za

Trustee, Peter Burdin, who brings a wealth of knowledge from decades as an international journalist, lecturer and mentor, provided some fascinating stats about news coming out of Africa not being written by Africans. www.peterburdinafrica.co.uk

Global South African philanthropist, Derek Lubner, pointed out in his address that all donors are different and reminded fundraisers of the importance of understanding their various funders.

Brand South Africa, ongoing supporters of the Network, gave every guest a beautiful mug by renowned South African designer, Andy Cartwright.

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